Thursday, August 30, 2007

Zap Body Fat, Beat Fatigue, and Shape Muscle in Less Time

Want to learn the savvy tricks and tips to look stunning when it’s time to tie the knot? I've helped countless women get into the best shape of their lives for their most important day.

I recently shared my secrets for getting fit with DolceDolce editor Gracey Hitchcock. Just remember: Beautiful isn’t just for brides. These tips and programs can work for anyone who wants to look gorgeous and feel energized every day.

DD: Very often a bride and others have events come up when there isn’t a year to work with. Could you give DolceDolce readers few tips for toning up quickly - say in 10 days? Many readers would appreciate that type of advice.

JA: Like a successful marriage, good health requires careful planning, focused effort, and a lifelong commitment. There are no shortcuts, just time-tested strategies (and many uncommon tips) to help you march down the aisle with confidence, and live happily ever after. My advice for those who have less than two weeks to get fabulous is simple: 1) perform your usual workouts; 2) eat only unprocessed foods (sorry, no bread) and drink 64 ounces of water daily. One day before the big event you should visit the spa to help you relax, as well as skip the late-night Cosmos with the girls; alcohol before bedtime discourages a good night’s sleep. Any magic pill or potion that promises “super fast” results is probably unsafe.

DD: In the book you provided the option of working out at home, which is great. You gave a list of equipment which is manageable, but still extensive. If a woman had to pick just three things to buy to work out with - not including her shoes - what would you recommend?

JA: Of course it is understood that a woman should always wear fabulous shoes, even to the sports club. So fitness fashion aside, the best equipment is 1) versatile (you can perform literally hundreds of exercises with it); 2) space-efficient (this is helpful if your cozy Manhattan studio or suburban basement also doubles as your home gym); and 3) cost-effective. So with these three rules in mind you can tighten stubborn trouble zones and sculpt a gorgeous figure with a pair of adjustable dumbbells, a stability ball, and a heart-rate monitor.

DD: Is it always necessary to diet as well as work out to achieve a good result, and visa versa?

JA: Diet and exercise always go hand-in-hand. Everyone wears a layer of insulation (aka fat) between their skin and muscle. The less insulation you have, the more “sculpted,” “toned,” or “defined” your body will appear. Research says that 80 percent of how you look is nutrition related. And the best training plan on earth will not help your shoulders, arms, and back look stunning in a dress, unless you are eating the right amount of calories each day. This point is so important that WeddingShape reveals the exact step-by-step formula to determine how much food you need, when to eat to burn the most calories, the exact portion size to lose pounds and inches, and the sneaky ways you may be sabotaging your body-sculpting progress every meal. I’ve even included a shopping list to help you find the juiciest, most satisfying - yet body-firming - foods at the grocery store.

DD: Can you explain why weight training is so important to getting results? Is it really possible to sculpt your body with exercise and/or change your metabolism?

JA: Weight or resistance training is, hands-down, the most effective form of exercise to boost a sluggish metabolism, zap unwanted body fat in less time, beat fatigue, and shape muscle. It also strengthens bones, increases self-confidence, and literally slows the aging process. It’s the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth.

The body-sculpting benefits are due to the fact that muscle burns more calories than fat. A barbell squat, for example, works most of the muscles in your body. Assuming you perform excellent technique and choose a challenging weight, you will build muscle. More muscle means a faster metabolism. And a speedy metabolism will literally torch fat while you sleep. Just remember that you will not get man-muscles from weight training! Women simply don’t have enough of the male hormone testosterone to bulk up.

DD: You offer an online personal training program? Is it expensive? I wonder, because personal training is highly recommended, but many places expect women to spend hundreds of dollars a week for training. That can be fabulous, but it isn’t doable for many women, especially young women. Even several hundred a month can be steep for a young person starting out. Is this a more affordable option? And what are the benefits?

JA: If you have the financial means to hire a competent, credentialed personal trainer I highly recommend it. Just be prepared to spend anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour. The WeddingShape Online Fitness Trainer won’t break your budget (it’s less than one dollar per day) particularly when you consider that the average cost of a wedding in the U.S. is about $27,000.

But you don’t have to be planning a honeymoon to enjoy the benefits. This virtual personal trainer helps women of all ages and ability levels melt unwanted fat with a customized exercise plan, based on your ability level and goals (like dropping a dress size or minimizing figure flaws). Plus, I designed the workouts to be performed at home or in a commercial fitness setting. Because it’s online you can be at any Internet connection, anywhere in the world. Simply log in to view and print your workouts. In addition, WeddingShape Online Fitness Trainer provides detailed exercise descriptions as well as step-by-step exercise images, so you get results fast.

DD: Aside from just quitting, what are some of the worse mistakes you see women make when they set out to get in shape?

JA: The secret to looking and feeling fabulous involves commitment and an organized plan. You must address mind, body, and spirit in order to guarantee long-term success. To avoid common fitness mistakes (think marathon cardio sessions to “burn fat,” or choosing ineffective exercises, like arm curls with soup cans) you’ll need 1) a customized training program; 2) portion-controlled nutrition strategies; 3) savvy sleep habits; and 4) stress-management tips.


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Have a great week.



Joseph Arangio
Author, WeddingShape

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