Sleep secrets revealed
Ahh, sleep. It’s vital to good health, mental focus and memory. But most of us aren’t getting enough – especially if you’re planning a wedding – which leads to weight gain, moodiness and stress.
Coffee, soda and chocolate can keep you awake. And if you’re especially sensitive to the effects of caffeine, stay away all day. Consuming it six, 10 or even 12 hours before bedtime is a sure way to keep you fired up.
2. Avoid alcohol.
A nightcap or a glass of wine with dinner may help you fall asleep sooner. But alcohol also increases how often you wake up, making sleep less restful. Plus, alcohol prevents the deep, restorative sleep associated with growth hormone production.
People who exercise fall asleep sooner and have sounder sleep, but if you work out within three hours of bedtime, you may have trouble snoozing. Exercise causes your body temperature to rise and that makes it more difficult to sleep. Try exercising in the late afternoon so your body temperature’s back to normal by bedtime.
Your best bet for good sleep is to stick to a regular bedtime and wake-up call…and yes, that includes weekends. Doing this helps get your internal clock on the right rhythm to anticipate sleep.
Create a pre-bedtime ritual to cue your mind and body that it’s time to wind down. Include whatever activities you find relaxing, like meditation, listening to soothing tunes, reading a good book…Taking a hot bath is a good option, too, because it’ll trigger a sleep-promoting drop in body temperature.
The glow of the television screen and clock can delay the onset of sleep. Also, by turning your clock around, you won’t watch the passing minutes, leaving you anxious and irritated about how tired you’ll be in the morning.
Undoubtedly, there’ll be nights when you wake up with sudden concerns – “Did I order the favors?” “Will we have enough wine?” When this happens, don’t turn on the light to check out your checklist. (Bright lights tell your brain it’s time to get up.) Instead, write down all the worries you can think of before you hit the sack, and then outline a plan-of-attack so you can clear your mind and doze off easily.
Yours in health,
Director, PEAK Strength & Conditioning CLUB
Author, WeddingShape Diet and Fitness Guide for Brides
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