Lose 20 pounds in a year ... without deprivation!
Almost 15% of your daily calories likely don’t come from food. They sneak in through the beverages you drink. But, if you make smart beverage choices, you could cut out 200 calories a day.
Translation: You’ll lose 20 pounds in a year!
Not too shabby for a little bit of effort.
Take your favorite morning latte, for example. You’re likely blowing your nutritional budget by 550 calories or more with that one single drink!
What’s worse, liquid calories don’t register on your appetite meter the way solid foods do, which means you’re hungrier sooner.
So, what beverage choices are smarter?
One word: water.
Did you know that dehydration can slow your metabolism by 3%? That means you’ll burn about 45 calories less each day that you’re not fully watered up.
Keep a water bottle handy filled to the brim. But don’t guzzle. Studies show that small amounts of sipped water work better at burning fat than 8 ounces slugged all at once.
And about that coffee fix…go ahead and enjoy a java jolt, but choose skim milk instead of cream.
An added benefit? The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is enough to raise your metabolism for more than two hours, so try drinking it before your workout for an extra kick. Plus, researchers think that caffeine may help release stored fat, so your body can burn it for energy as you exercise.
WeddingShape Diet and Fitness Guide for Brides doesn’t come with a coffee maker, but it does come with three years’ worth of workouts to get you in shape for the big day.
For more information, visit www.weddingshape.com or email media@weddingshape.com.
Yours in health,
Joseph Arangio
Author, WeddingShape Diet and Fitness Guide for Brides
Director, PEAK Strength & Conditioning
5925 Tilghman St.
Suite 200
Allentown, PA 18104
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